Wednesday, December 30, 2009

No longer a baby

but a little lady!

Where did the year go? Why did the months pass so quickly? Why did the days race by? Why did the minutes tick away like seconds?

I know I only blinked one time, so why did you have to grow when I wasn't looking!

Ellee Rae (bean) Bressler,

I didn't know that we were missing a thing until you came along and I realized we were missing the piece that would complete this family. You have brought more laughter, more tears, more joy, more love and melted all of our hearts to puddles.

It's so hard to believe that a year has passed and this time 365 days ago I was experiencing what it was like to be the Mommy of a little girl and I fell in love all over again. I love you more than words, I love you to the moon and back, I love you forever and ever and I thank God for the gift he gave me on the evening of December 30, 2008.

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

Friday, December 25, 2009

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

We Wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas and We Miss You This Year!

We are more than blessed this White Christmas Morning and our prayer is that you have a blessed Christmas season too! May He protect and keep you safe, my your blessing be many, and may you never forget what happened on that first Christmas day.

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's 10:46 and the children are finally nestled in bed

and we are just waiting for sugar plums to dance in their heads.

Ellee helped Mommy finish wrapping

while Daddy, bubba and bubbie made reindeer food.

Each one of them received a special ornament this year to hang on the tree tonight.

Caden's was baseball to represent an amazing year of baseball.

Reece because what would be better than Santa in a sleigh? Santa on a MOTORCYCLE of course!

Miss Ell is celebrating her very first Christmas 5 days before she turns 1.

Our Christmas Eve gifts were open and it was pajama's. It's a family tradition that isn't their favorite!

We have a new reader of "The Night Before Christmas".

Daddy didn't mind a bit!

Stater enjoying his "old" snowman toy while listening to Caden read.

The reindeer will not go hungry while visiting the Bressler Bunch tonight...despite the freezing cold temperatures.

We don't have a chimney so Santa's Magic Key is waiting for him to appear!

Do you think Santa will be sad because he is getting Oreo's instead of Homemade cookies? I'm guessing he isn't going to be happy about this!

Our Elf is preparing to leave tonight because his duties are through! The kids told him good-bye and that we would see him next year.

Santa has landed at the Bressler Bunch House!

Merry Christmas to all of you and May God Bless you this season and all year through!

It's Christmas Time around here and we are....

making hot cocoa mix

Would you like a little Hot Cocoa with your Whip Cream?




Pulling our sister around the kitchen on a quilt! She loves it!

Loving Stater with a new haircut and Christmas Scarf!

Hey Mom! No need to make the bed today because we are taking over your room for awhile. Now why would you do that?

To track Santa of Course!

Well of course......The bed making can wait because they clearly have their priorities in order and tracking the Jolly Guy in a red suit is of the utmost importance today.

Happy Almost Birthday Jesus!

I am blessed beyond measure, I am blessed without a doubt!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Gingerbread Houses = Good Times

We went to a Gingerbread House Party with several different families from church and it was a tradition that we will do every year at our house. It was a lot of fun, good food, fabulous friends, a huge mess, and lots of smiles and laughs.

Thanks Gregg and Cheryl for opening your home to all of us to build Gingerbread houses. I never knew that making that big of a mess could be so much fun. Another new tradition for the Bressler family and I can hardly wait until next year when we can do these again!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Almost Dr. Phil and Mini-Me

Not only does the littlest man in my life look identical to the oldest man in my life, but he wants to be just like him and do everything just like he does.

He even has his own ID badge...Just like Dads!
His own briefcase to hold all of his "work stuff" and computer...Just like dads.

Had pajama day today at school and then it was time to go to work...Same place Dad works.

You couldn't have picked a better person to want to be like Reece! Dad takes good care of us and I hope that someday when you are grown and married you have a little boy that looks just like you and looks up to you as much as you look up to your daddy. I hope you go far and do great things, but if I had my way you would only go as far as your walkie-talkies would reach.

I love you mini-Phil!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Oh the weather outside is frightful

but the Bressler family traditions delightful....

Elvis sitting nicely on the shelf keeping watch over the behavior of little ones wondering around our house.

Ellee has discovered a new tradition of her own.....Daily sitting in the shoe box!

Bungee Jumping at the Mall -Rough and Tumble Reece was not a fan of this event!

Caden a little braver but nervous!

Last year only two little boys were in a train car. This year they are joined by a little lady!

Seat belts required to ride the train.....But why follow the rules?

Daddy it's Cold outside!

Our NEW family tradition! Bradly Fair at Christmas time.....BEAUTIFUL!

Mommy we need this for our tree!

They would like you to believe that they really don't like each other!

My NEW TRADITION FAVORITE Free Carriage ride at Bradly Fair even if we do have to stand in line for an hour and 30 minutes for a 5 minute ride. It was worth every teeth chatter!

See I told you that they really do like each other!!

My old favorite Christmas Tradition hours upon hours of Christmas light looking!

Merry Christmas Clark!

What would Christmas be without Dancing Christmas Trees?

If you honk they shimmy a little bit but if you tell them how much you love them they really put on a show!!!

Laughs from my kids - Absolutely Priceless!
I hope that you took the time today to Laugh Out Loud!!!!