Sunday, December 6, 2009

This Candy Cane is...

sweet enough to eat love!

In 24 days...

It will be December 30th.

In 24 days...

We will be having a celebration.

In 24 days...

We will wake up to a little girl who will be loved a little bit more.

In 24 days...

This little striped baby girl will be turning ONE

1 comment:

  1. A-DOR-A-BLE!!!! Oh Miss Ellee that big number one is just around the corner. Tell mama that it's not nearly as sad (for her) as she thinks it will be. I can't believe it's already been almost a year since you rocked your mama's girly girl world:-) .... and that you have survived (for almost a year) with those two ornery older brothers!
    Happy 'almost' birthday, Ellee!
