Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Jesus 911

Tonight Reece got a hold of my old cell phone and dialed the number that he was taught during fire safety week at school....911!!! Well of course as soon as they answered he hung up the phone and they called back. I explained to them that they learned about fire safety and dialing 911 in school last week and that my 5 year old little boy decided to give it a try. Once again they were very understanding as we went through this same thing when Caden was 5.

When I got off of the phone with them my baby boy says to me, "Mom it wasn't my fault. Jesus made my hand do that and it's His fault. Serious Mom He made me do it because He is in control of me!"


  1. HA! That is HILARIOUS! And he's right...Jesus IS in control of him:-)
    Love you, Reecer!!!
