Thursday, July 23, 2009

They have left the house...

Today was the day we said good-bye to 2 more things that our baby girl has out grown. I can't believe that the swing and the bouncy seat are both things of her past and a reminder that they just don't stay little long enough.

We gave them to a couple who have 3 boys, were done having kids and then found out that they were having a girl. I know they will put Ellee's things to good use, however, it didn't mean I didn't shed a few tears as I backed out of their driveway. I felt like I was leaving part of my life there. I allowed myself to swish my feet in that sorrow for a few moments, but didn't wade in it because I am trying really hard to look forward to next stage of her life. As with all of my kids the next stage is my new favorite and I'm sure it won't be any different with Ellee.

Hard to believe that she was once this little!

She really did prefer her bouncy seat over her swing. Perhaps it was because there wasn't a speed button for her brother to push to make her go faster.

So as we say good-bye to the things that left our house today we say hello to the next stage of her life and the fabulous adventure of having a little girl in a house with two brothers.

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